Finally, choose SpamSieve - Change Settings from Mail’s Message menu and, when prompted, say that the name of your spam mailbox is Junk. Go to the Rules section of Mail’s preferences and change the SpamSieve rule to move the messages to the Junk mailbox instead of the Spam mailbox. Do not make any further changes to the Junk Mail preferences.
Make sure that Mail knows which mailbox is your Junk mailbox by selecting it and choosing Mailbox ‣ Use This Mailbox For ‣ Junk. Spamsieve 2 9 3900 SeriesSpamsieve 2 9 3900 DownloadC-Command Software has released SpamSieve 2.9.39, enhancing the Bayesian spam email filtering tools accuracy and improving the. Also, if you select a message that SpamSieve has classified as spam, Mail will show a banner saying that you marked it as junk. The program will encrypt all incoming and outgoing data. If your email server supports secure connections over SSL/TLS, Spamihilator will automatically make use of this. It therefore can be used with almost every email client and email server. You can use the Customize Toolbar… command in Mail’s View menu to remove the Junk button from the toolbar. Spamihilator is able to process the widely used mail protocols POP3 and IMAP. Other great apps like SpamBayes are POPFile, SPAMfighter, SpamSieve and Spamihilator. The best alternative is Mailwasher, which is free.

Many IMAP accounts also work via POP, and this will allow SpamSieve to move. There are more than 10 alternatives to SpamBayes for a variety of platforms, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Microsoft Office Outlook and SaaS. ( Note: If you do this, be careful not to use the Junk and Not Junk buttons that will appear in Mail when the Junk mailbox is active you should always use the SpamSieve - Train as Good and SpamSieve - Train as Spam commands instead. Entourage v.X does not support moving IMAP (or Hotmail or Exchange) messages. You can use this feature if you tell SpamSieve to put spam messages in the Junk mailbox instead of the Spam mailbox. Mail has a feature, accessible from the Mailbox Behaviors (or Special Mailboxes) tab of the Accounts preferences, that can automatically delete old spam messages from the Junk mailbox.
I found the solution and here's how to correct things: