However, beware that this applies only if all materials on a tier are infinite the Upgrade Menu will still offer upgrades on tiers where only the research item (Think Juice, etc.) is not infinite, even though most upgrades do not affect research items. You will not be able to view any uncompleted upgrades in those tiers as the filter menu will no longer have those tiers to select. If all materials on a tier are infinite, those upgrades will be filtered out from Work Order, Research, and Farming upgrade menus. Infinite materials will not be dropped from ISOPOD enemies.Ĭrate plants will not yield materials that are infinite. Currently there is a bug where instead it is treated as if you had the amount you had before you made the unit infinite.

If an army unit is infinite, it should be treated as if you had 1 Quintillion (1e18) of it. Because the sizes of work orders are based on the production capacity of your base, it is not necessary to hold back from making a material infinite in the hope of getting "easy" work orders from it. If you have a work order that needs a material when you make it infinite, that material will automatically be completed in the work order. The tooltip of the material will read "SINGULARITY SUBMITTED TO PIT! Unlocked 69 Pit Points!".Ī work order will never ask for a material that is infinite. If an infinite material is thrown into the pit, that material will award the remaining pit points for that material (total pit points per material is 69), and no further pit points may be gained from that material. Infinite materials also have special behavior in other menus. When hovering over the infinite material, the base production rate is now replaced by the text, "THIS MATERIAL HAS GONE INFINITE". The production numbers disappear and is replaced with a yellow infinity symbol. Infinite materials will get a special Infinity Medal in the Completion Log. When a material is driven infinite, anything that needs it will automatically be satisfied, even if you haven't placed any buildings that produce the infinite material. This means that Speed Chips will have no effect, and that the listed production per second in the Buildings tab is not the base to use (instead, use the Production Multiplier that appears when moused over). When a building makes at least 1 Trillion (1e12) of its output in a single bar fill, that material will become infinite. Note that going infinite is based on the production in a single bar fill, not per second. If you have not unlocked Wall beacons, they can be substituted for Arrow beacons but the layout will be less effective. The best beacon configuration for this is shown on the right, together with the base amounts of production required for it to drive production to 1 trillion. The infinite material then effectively ceases to require prerequisites.īeacons can contribute to turning a material infinite, and so a good strategy is to surround a single building with every available beacon in order to cause it to reach the infinite threshold once, after which the building and beacons can be removed. GTA 5 CheatsElden Ring Best WeaponsThe Quarry Tarot Card LocationsBoTW Shrine MapMinecraft Wiki GuidePokemon. It is possible (although unusual) that a material may be turned infinite while its prerequisites are not infinite, provided there are enough of them to make the initial 1 Trillion output.

Thus, the production bonuses from Production Chips can contribute to turning a material infinite, even after the Chip expires. The building only needs to produce 1 Trillion output once to become permanently infinite it does not need to be able to produce that amount on an ongoing basis. Note that this means a single building, not all buildings of a single type.
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